An old adage reminds us when you pull your hand from a bucket of water, the anticipated void does not last long and quickly fills. Such was the case in the middle of the last decade when a leading publication in the manufactured housing industry ceased publication, creating a void for communicating and sharing knowledge, experience, and lessons. The need was recognized by Kurt Kelley and a group of similarly minded leaders decided to create a mechanism within which data, information, and learned opinion could be shared by subject matter experts and academia. Manufactured Housing Review was born.
Now more than ever, uncertain economic conditions, conflicting information, and unmatched need and demand, demand each participant in housing at every level to stay informed. If you are not learning, you are falling behind. And information is more important than ever.
Since 2017, Manufactured Housing Review has included perspectives, history, forecasts, instructions, and reflections from not only professional staff, but also subject matter experts throughout the industry and academia studying housing, particularly prefab housing. While the publication leans towards the community segment of the industry, it exercises great effort to bring balanced information covering retail, lending, suppliers, academia, and of course the home buyer.
The reaction from the market has been amazing, and subscriptions now exceed 15,000 readers. Comments have consistently been received since its first publication from readers on the value and importance of not only the articles but how important a journal of this sort is to the industry. The best news is that it is an advertiser-supported publication, and subscriptions are FREE. To read the latest edition, or subscribe to get your own copy, visit the LearnMH Publications page, or visit www.manufacturedhousingreview.com.